Foundation News

Baltic agrees to sponsor Galapagos National Park personnel with premium lifejackets

January 11, 2023
Olle Appelgren, CEO & Founder of Imo Oceanum and Johan Lövqvist, CEO of Baltic LifejacketsOlle Appelgren, CEO & Founder of Imo Oceanum and Johan Lövqvist, CEO of Baltic Lifejackets

The Swedish company Baltic has responded to the request from Galapagos National Park to Imo Oceanum and has agreed to sponsor personnel from the National Park in all Galapagos with high quality life jackets. The life jackets has been developed together with the Swedish Sea Rescue Society to be used at sea in harsh conditions.

Baltic SAR Buoyancy Aid. A special buoyancy aid for tough conditions. Developed in conjunction with the Swedish Sea Rescue Society.
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