The Baltic SAR lifejackets have been manufactured and are awaiting shipment from Sweden to the Galápagos islands.
The Baltic SAR lifejackets have now been certified for use by the GNP as Authority of the terrestrial and maritime areas of the Galapagos National Park
We are proud to present Baltic's tailor-made life jackets for the staff at Galápagos National Park. The life jackets are now in production and planned to be shipped from Sweden to the Galápagos in mid April.
The Swedish company Baltic has responded to the request from Galapagos National Park and agreed to sponsor the park's personnel with high quality life jackets.
Imo Oceanum held a meeting with a group of experienced Swedish sea rescuers, eager to contribute to the establishment of a Sea Rescue Organization in the Galápagos.
Read Baltic Lifejackets' LinkedIn post about their collaboration with Imo Oceanum.
Imo Oceanum has received a letter from the Mayor of the Canton of Isabela, politely requesting technical operative support for marine emergencies.
The mayor of Santa Cruz asks Imo Oceanum to implement the safety, salvage and rescue at sea project for the entire province.
Imo Oceanum participated at the Santa Cruz Emergency Operations Committee, arranged by the Galápagos Governement.
The Mayor of San Cristóbal Cantonal requests technical and operational support for maritime emergencies in their province.
The Galápagos National Park requests the acquisition of the 54 SAR life vests for their Marine Park Rangers and Technical Units.
Imo Oceanum met with the Fire Department in Santa Cruz, who offered to support the foundation's Sea Rescue Project.
Representatives from Imo Oceanum visting the Red Cross Galapagos on the island of Santa Cruz.